NE history professors held a presentation on the rise of fascism in Europe and key factors that contributed to fascism spreading throughout Italy and Germany before World War II.
Associate professor Karen Wisely defined fascism as the centralization of authority under a dictator, violent suppression of the opposition and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
“First of all, it’s a dictator that, in both cases of Italy and Germany, will take power legitimately through an election,” Wisely said. “And then they will consolidate power under their authority to become a dictator after the election is over.”
Other forms of dictatorships she mentioned were violent suppression of the opposition by threatening to imprison anyone who isn’t a member of their party, be it the Nazi party or fascist party, and suppressing the media.
She also explained the difference between nationalism and patriotism to the audience.
“I studied history, and I studied some of the worst things that the United States has done,” Wisely said. “And yet I am possibly one of the most patriotic Americans you’ve ever met. Talk to me during the Olympics, but not if you’re from another country.”
Students also learned how to identify trusted sources versus uncredible opinions.
NE student Emily Russell had a personal connection to the event. They said that they took a gap year and went to Germany.
“I got to see this church was, like, bombed and then it was rebuilt that was a result of Nazism,” Russell said, “I also visited a city in France that had been taken over by the Nazis and then was reclaimed by American forces.”
Russell said that kids are disillusioned or don’t pay a lot of attention to politics or history because it is boring or sad. Accessible events like this are important to educate them, they said.
“I follow a lot of news outlets on social media, … a little more leftleaning outlets,” Russell said. “But my grandparents like to watch more right-leaning media. I’m also staying informed on that side as well, so that I can have a more rounded perspective”.
NE student Justin Sims noticed the parallels between these historical events and the current political climate in America.
“This sounds really familiar with America right now, like early stages of this,” Sims said. “I feel like I’m not trying to put a whole bunch of hate on our government or anything. I try to stay neutral for the most part. A lot of the things we’re talking about are happening right now.”
Wisely told Sims the point of the event was to make students aware of what happened there, so it wouldn’t happen here.
“I appreciate that you say that you want to remain neutral, but I think that maybe we’re approaching a time when that’s not possible,” Wisely said. “More courage is needed, and it’s something that we need to probably hold on to.”
According to associate professor Hailey Stewart, the struggles of post-World War I Germany led to Nazism.
“That’s why dictators rise when economic downturns occur or when things are rough,” Stewart said. “It’s because they’ll promise you the moon.”
NE student Jack Buch said regardless of political opinion, there are similarities between how the rise of fascism began and current times.
“We see that now … regardless of your political opinions, you don’t have a job,” Buch said. “It’s hard to find work. It’s because an immigrant has your job. Now we hear the price of eggs are too high. It’s someone’s fault, and we’re hearing that constantly.”

A lack of awareness or need to get offline is causing some people to ignore the warning signs.
“It’s too depressing,” Wisely said. “It is, but it is your duty to know what’s going on in your country, or you won’t have a country. So, you have to be engaged and talk to your friends, talk to your co-workers, talk to them about getting them engaged.”
History instructor Samantha Elkins said the history department’s goal is to present relevant topics to students in class. The department identified a gap in discussing fascism. There usually isn’t time in a classroom setting to discuss these topics in detail.
“I’m not saying history repeats, but it definitely reflects itself, and we definitely see things that might concern us but also concern our students,” Elkins said. “And we want to make sure that we’re talking about them.”