By Taylor Jensen/nw news editor

David Reid/The Collegian
One of the largest clubs on NW Campus offers photography fun for seniors and sponsors a districtwide competition for anyone who has a passion for visual art, said PICS president Judith Ray.
PICS, or the Photography Interest Club for Seniors, received the final entries for its seventh photo competition Nov. 12.
Although PICS is a senior citizen club, 110 entries were accepted from club members and TCC students and faculty.
“The rule was if you can claim some sort of connection with TCC, you could enter,” she said. “The more the merrier.”
The contest includes seven categories with first, second and third places decided in each one along with a favorite overall photo chosen, Ray said.
“The college provides art faculty to judge the competition,” she said. “Talk about good judges.”
Participant and NW volunteer photography instructor John Ford said an interest in photography helps people better see the world around them.
“I’ve been taking pictures since I was 11,” he said. “It becomes a part of you.”
Another participant, Lorin Stolz, said he and Ford teach photography classes for the senior education program.
“We love helping getting people to this place,” he said as he pointed to the wall of photo entries. “Their level of photography improves and, as a result, we learn ourselves.”
PICS founder George Hawkins said he simply started the club based on demand.
“I got tired of my students taking the same photography classes over and over again,” he said.
Now, the club has grown, and entries for this year’s competition are more impressive than ever, Hawkins said.
“I remember seven years ago, [the entries] were nice, but amateurish,” he said. “Now they are of professional quality. I think this year the judges will have a tough decision.”
PICS meets at 11 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month in the Fire Academy on NW Campus.
An event is planned each month and includes photographic scavenger hunts, photography of school events and outings to different sites throughout Fort Worth and Dallas.
For more information, contact Ray at 817-246-7778 or