By Barde Eseyin and Brittani Turner
In time for the holidays, the NE Campus Dance Company unveils its fall dance concert Kaleidoscope Dec. 7-8.
The concert will feature a large variety of dance genres. Beginning with a comedic dub step (a pop-locking dance), the program will evolve into a modern dance and then to a ballroom piece, said dance professor Linda Quinn. After that, a swing piece will be followed by what Quinn describes as “a fierce, nontraditional ballet dance.”
The NE dance program consists of two different companies directed by Quinn and associate professor Kihyoung Choi. Choi directs the audition company called Movers Unlimited Touring Company.
The concert is a collaboration of the audition company and the nonaudition NE Dance Company, which Quinn directs.
This concert will showcase the talents of NE dance students and the Movers Unlimited Touring Company. Styles of contemporary ballet, tap, ballroom, hip-hop and more will appeal to performance lovers.
“The different styles of dances performed is what keeps the audience on edge of their seats,” said past NE Dance Company member Richard Mayo.
Special guest artists Adam Jupiter and Jedidiah Flowers will also add to the program with their experiences in the dance world. Jupiter, who’s worked with choreographers of R&B singer Omarion and others, has won several dance competitions from Mississippi to Florida.
Flowers brings his style from Hampton University in Virginia with experience in hip-hop and ballet.
“It’s exciting to see the NE TCC Dance Company expand and partner their productions with touring dance companies and guest performers,” Mayo said.
Expanding its talent has become a mission of the NE company. This year, it has partnered with the Movers Dance Company in a community outreach program in New York City. This spring, dancers from NE Campus will travel to New York with this company to perform, attend master dance classes and work in the community.
“This company creates the opportunity for people to not only share a passion for dance but grow together,” Mayo said. “And that’s just what they’re doing.”
In addition to displaying their talents, the dancers also take time to raise money for the national organization Dancers Responding to AIDS.
The concert features choreography from NE dance coordinator Quinn as well as Choi.
The concert is free for all TCC students. Tickets are available in business services, and only a student ID is required to get a ticket. Tickets are $5 for the general public.
The NE dance program enrolls about 400 students a semester and offers hip-hop, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, ballroom and dance appreciation classes.