By Kelli Henderson/entertainment editor
It says a lot about someone who can keep calm and collected in rush-hour traffic.
Unfortunately, I cannot.
When a driver cuts me off or does not use a turn signal, I usually honk ferociously and shout four-letter words that should not be repeated.
Rules were put in place to follow, and signs were made to be recognized. My wrath comes out when drivers don’t follow those rules or signs.
The consequences for faulty drivers are not harsh enough, and I say this not because I am tired of being cutoff or tailgated.
I say this because unless drivers get a ticket of some kind and have to do defensive driving, they never see the rules of the road past their first test.
The laws are always changing. With construction booming in the Metroplex, speed limits and signs change. If we aren’t more aware, accidents are sure to occur.
Under Texas state law if a driver receives a speeding ticket, the fine can be as high as $300, and many can take defensive driving courses to wipe the ticket off their record.
The expensive fine should be enough to teach any driver a lesson, but I know some who have at least 10 tickets.
Suspending licenses does not seem to do the trick since many still drive with them, thinking they won’t get caught.
It would be beneficial for all drivers to take a driving test every five to 10 years. The accident rate would go down, and, hopefully, the number of tickets would go down as well.
Drivers would be more aware of the rules of the road, and a failed test would force them to study until they could pass it again.
This could get in the way of many jobs, but someone who doesn’t know the laws should never have been allowed a license in the first place.
Driving on a road is putting our lives in others’ hands.
People don’t want to meet their maker because another driver crossed a solid white line or changed lanes in the middle of an intersection.