By Ethan Hamilton/campus editor
Adobe Creative Jam is an event in which local leaders speak to aspiring creators and students and give them exposure on how to use Adobe XD, a software created by Adobe for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps in their projects.
The event took place Feb. 22 and was organized for current TCC students who wish to learn more about how they can help solve problems that they can identify in their community.
TCC graphic communications instructors Sean Foushee and Chris Flynn organized the Adobe Creative Jam to let students get more involved with others and make connections with the TCC community.
Students competed with one another in creating a project in Adobe XD using five or more screens that addresses a need and/or solves a problem for their student community.
“I got to meet with [the] Creative Jam team, and we got to talking about it,” Foushee said. “I thought it would be a really good opportunity for our students to speak with professionals in the industry and gain valuable exposure.”
Adobe customer success manager Jason Katsoff was instrumental in orchestrating this event.
“I work at Adobe in helping schedule creative jams all across the country,” Katsoff said.
So when Foushee got in contact with him to bring one for students at TCC, he jumped at the opportunity.
“Essentially, since the topic of this jam is student communities, I thought I would share my perspective about my experience leading, building and designing a bunch of communities,” said Gage Mitchell, principal, creative director and strategist at Modern Species, a branding design company.
Mitchell described how to design a community and provided background for what a good community looks like based on his knowledge of being an expert in community building.
Students were released into groups to design and create an Adobe XD project that solves a problem. They were then judged by three industry professionals to see who had the best presentation.
The winning presentation was a design for a TCC Child Care app for students in need of child care services while in class.