By Mona Lisa Tucker/reporter
South Campus is setting the stage for its annual Women’s History Month awareness campaign, said psychology associate professor Triesha Light.
“It’s a time that’s been designated on a national level to highlight the accomplishments of women,” she said.
Since many students do not know March is Women’s History Month, Light said the South committee’s intention is to bring awareness through various activities that will allow students to engage in different ways: drama, dance, art exhibits, seminars and panels.
This year’s theme for South Campus — Sisters Building Cultures: One Voice, One Heart, Many Hands — came from the Fort Worth Sister Cities Project.
“We are not about bashing men at all,” she said. “It’s just about taking a month to celebrate women.”
The first international Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911. By 1978, it had become an international Women’s History Month.
“[It is] a time to bring awareness to where women are, where we’ve been and where we are going,” Light said.
Nearly every recent U.S. president has made a proclamation or some emphasis on the month of women, Light said.
“Highlighting women pioneers in various fields,” she said.
All TCC campuses will have planned events.
An art department faculty member interested in women artists might do a special exhibit. English departments might sponsor speakers or readings, and theater programs might produce special plays.
“I choose things for WHM because I am on the WHM committee,” South theater director Lindy Benton said, “and because as the only female theater director for the district, I feel that I have a unique perspective to offer.”
Female playwrights need to be nurtured and celebrated for bringing their message to stage, Benton said.
“I hope that my audience will enjoy experiencing live theater, seeing their friends onstage telling a wonderful story that will touch lives,” she said.
Nursing assistant professor Mary Blue said her responsibility is to secure someone to speak on health issues.
“I want them [female students] to celebrate themselves by recognizing the contributions of other women as well as caring for their own health,” she said.
A Feb. 21 reception for the Women’s History Month and Women in New Roles Art Show kicked off South Campus’ celebration. Visitors can view the exhibit through March 3 in the SPAC Carillon Gallery.
A festival of films about women will begin March 3 with Salt of the Earth, a 1954 film based on the Empire Zinc Mine strike in New Mexico. Wives of the miners are pivotal to the plot. Other South events include seminars, voice and dance recitals and a spring luncheon.
Light said most of the events are free except for the luncheon March 3, which costs $5 for students and $7.50 for all others. A women’s symposium on April 2 is free for students, but vendor spots cost $25.
Proceeds from the luncheon tickets and symposium vendors go toward a scholarship fund.
South student Zelma Christian has been a part of the committee since August, she said.
“I love it, and I’m very excited to be a part of the team,” she said. “You should all expect great things to happen in the near future.”
The most important thing Light wants students to know is that Women’s History Month exists.