January 22, 2020 | Jordan Harmond | reporter |

Gaming is reaching out to a bigger audience than ever before, Jared Broadus, president of the Gaming Club on South Campus, said.
From the rise of competitive games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, as well as streaming platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and Mixer, access to video games is ever-expanding.
On NE Campus, the Gamer’s Club provides students with the chance to play a variety of games, consoles and experience gaming culture in a safe and fun environment. Gaming Club on South Campus brings gamer students together in a competitive and peaceful space for gaming. Gamers United on TR Campus draws students to highlight the importance of video games in social, cultural, and academic life.
“Video games are more accessible,” Broadus said. “There is a bigger audience. Now that there are phones where you can play games such as Fortnite and other big games, it really helps.”

Streaming websites give access to people to watch other players, such as professional gamers play games, which they themselves might enjoy playing. Disney XD features gamers playing video games and reviewing their game experience.
“People like that are a good influence on the gaming community because it brings in viewers to help advertise the game they are playing,” Broadus said.
South Campus student Albert Baez said streaming services give people love for a game.
“Those who stream games that have a big audience create a community,” Baez said. “People really invest in watching someone play a game they love. You look at how big video games have gotten. There are professional tournaments that sell out stadiums yearly and give out thousands of dollars. Fortnite alone gave over a million dollars to the winner of their biggest tournament last year.”
As the growth of video games continues, the improvements have been a huge help. Gaming platforms have grown where games can be played on multiple consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, PC and mobile.
“There are more collaborations such as crossplay, where you can play with and against someone who has a different console than you,” Broadus said.
Gaming companies are also remaking old, successful games such as Crash Bandicoot to help revive the history those games had. NW student Dallen Johnson said how he enjoys playing cross-platform with his friends.
“I have a PlayStation, and my friend has a PC,” he said. “With crossplay being available, I can now play the same game with him.”
With the success video games have had over the past few years, it’s hard to come up with what’s next. Universities have begun e-sports, which allow students to receive scholarships by playing video games. Schools are forming teams to compete against other schools like other sports.
NW student Grant Powers said he doesn’t think it can get any bigger than e-sports.
“Colleges giving scholarships out to play video games is huge,” he said. “Ten years ago, this was never a thought.”
When asked about the big games such as Fortnite and if they would ever slow down in success, Baez said yes.

“I think of it like clothes. Clothes get out of style after a certain amount of time,” he said. “At some point, Fortnite is going to get old to people and not many people will play it as much.”