January 22, 2020 | Devin Jones | reporter |

Almost four years after releasing the final edition of their coveted magazine, TCC Writes, a new successor arrives with the announcement of a TR literary and art magazine, the content of which will have works submitted by students starting from Nov. 2019.
TR associate English professor Jerrica Jordan and TR associate art professor Janae Corrado organized the new publication to revive the platform where students can showcase their creative talents.

“Writing for the magazine will run the gamut from poetry, nonfiction, such as personal essays memoir-style writing or fiction,” Jordan said. “We will also be accepting original song lyrics or even short, one-act scripts.”
Submissions for the magazine end Jan. 27. Jordan and Corrado will also instruct a Literary Magazine Production class, which will take eight weeks, to look at the various forms of art and literature sent in and decide on the literary magazine’s name.
While Corrado has extensive design experience and having submitted artwork to magazines before, Jordan used to work as a copy editor for a magazine in Arkansas. The two boast resumes perfectly tailored to instructing and crafting this literary magazine.
Students in this dual enrollment program will be responsible for selecting the winners. They will work with Jordan on Tuesdays to edit the content and with Corrado on Thursdays to create the magazine design.
“We think anyone interested in media, the arts, writing, business or the humanities would be a great addition to this class,” said Corrado.
Jordan also talked about the importance of students’ involvement in this project.
“Students will select the name of the magazine, the pieces that we will include and provide feedback to those who submit,” she said.
Jordan said the best pieces are often personal and hoped students make sure the work was something they put their heart into.
“As much as artists don’t want to acknowledge it, it is a competitive thing,” Corrado said. “We only have so many cover spots.”
Aspiring novelist and TR student Sheila McDonald welcomes the new magazine for not only publishing student’s work but also providing a platform for students to be creative. She hopes the magazine staff chooses stories that are relatable.
“I think it’s great. It’s kinda like therapy,” McDonald said. “Reading other people’s stories… and you can relate to it. It makes you feel like you aren’t alone through these issues.”
Steven LeMons, founder of former TCC Writes, welcomes the new magazine.
“Students need an avenue for their stories, thoughts, and creativity,” he said. “Your story has value.”
The first edition of the TR literary magazine online and in print is expected to be released the last week of April 2020 or early May.
“It’s a confidence booster to see your name in print,” Jordan said. “But also the significance of having tenacity to sit down and do something to change something.”
Jordan and Corrado will host a launch party to distribute copies on a to be determined date, and the magazine will also be available in the TR library. The online version will be accessible, which the professors will provide the url to students later.
Students who are interested in competing may join at http://tinyurl.com/y2hllswc. Students whose works are picked will be notified the week of March 2. Gift card prizes will be given for each category of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, academic, traditional artwork, digital artwork and photography, and the best artwork will be featured on the front and back cover of the magazine.