Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint-Trump’s leadership skills are super trash

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Michael Foster-Sanders

Last week President Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized for all of two days before deciding to put his immediate circle at risk by traveling back to the White House to quarantine. 

Then to add insult to injury he decides to spin this into a fake ass battle cry with tweeting .”Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

What our Commander-in-Chief is not realizing is that the average American doesn’t have the luxury to be airlifted to a hospital, and have access to around the clock doctors to make sure his health doesn’t take a turn for the worse.

COVID-19 might not have altered our lives if Trump didn’t dismantle the National Security Council pandemic team in 2018 to have contingency plans That was in the face of the families across America who had to bury over 200,000 family members who died from the virus and could not spend final moments with their loved ones.

As a leader what kind of precedent is set by taking your mask off as an act of defiance to the people who are intoxicated by your persona such as the Proud Boys, or other supporters who are willing to follow him into hell and back.

Other countries are looking at this, and laughing at our lack of leadership in office at this time.

COVID-19 cases are decreasing throughout the country, but with the flu season coming up to prevent another devastating outbreak Trump needs to lead by example with safety precautions.

Young adults are getting their first taste of freedom across colleges in America, not batting an eye at their mortality, and believe the virus is a hoax. They are putting their lives in danger daily by participating in classes or just by going to parties to blow off stress from school.

If you’re reading this article please take precaution when it comes to safety for yourself, friends, families, and those that are ignorant of how serious this virus is.  If we stand together as a nation, then this rough time will pass.

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