Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Isolated readers use stories for escapism

campus editor

File Photo by The Collegian
NE Library Book Club & More host book club dicussions, games and trivia that is open to all faculty and students. The club can be found on BlackBoard.

Reading’s popularity has increased over the as readers look for an escape.

January to September, sales of print books increased 6.4% from 2019, according to Publishers Weekly. Libraries have also seen an increase of up to 60% in e-book downloads, TCC library specialist Ashly Ferguson said.

“It seems that in addition to reading for fun there’s also been a trend towards nonfic- tion books like cookbooks, gardening and crafting skills which correlate with activities that are done from home,” she said.

The escapism and information that books provide are important to Ferguson and others at this time. Books offer a distraction and relief from unpleasant realities by offering entertainment or fantasy. There’s a multitude of topics books cover, which means a person who wants to begin reading can find something they’re interested in, she said.

“No matter what genre you choose to read, the characters, plots and settings from reading literature can stimulate the imagination while also giving the reader insight into society, enhancing their empathy and providing a better understanding of themselves or the world as a whole,” Ferguson said. “Books are filled with places to visit and people to meet in every chapter and you can immerse yourself into it.”

Members of the NE Library Book Club & More bolstered Ferguson’s statements. Books provide readers an experience that allows them to be mentally outdoors for individuals who like to travel outside, student Jose Acostavalle said.

“Literature offers the visual experience of what you are reading,” he said. “It makes you feel like you are the character of the book and you can [mentally] see other character’s faces, the scenery and the overall subject of the book.”

Books are the hobby of choice for student Stephanie McDonald. Reading has allowed her to mentally travel and explore new locations all from the comfort of her home.

“I have been able to meet characters that run the gamut from royalty, ‘The Duchess’, to geniuses, ‘The Other Einstein’, to firemen, ‘Fahrenheit 451’,” McDonald said. “I have traveled to places, like England, ‘Gallows View’, Sweden, ’The Girl Who Lived Twice’, and even Mount Everest, ’Into Thin Air.’ Reading is one of the few things that has helped, and inspired, me to get through this challenging time.”

For those who aren’t interested in reading, associate accounting professor Anita Hope provided alternatives.

“What I do instead is listen to podcasts from the Wall Street Journal, from NPR, from Ted Talks, and some about science,” Hope said. “Also, I watch PBS (usually with my eyes closed) for relaxation. As for books, I use Libby for audiobooks. My focus during the pandemic is keeping my brain sharp, not es- caping.”

NE Library Book Club & More can be accessed on Blac books, movies, music and games.

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