Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

What about women’s rights?

What the upcoming election means for women in America

Linda Puga
campus editor

Illustrated by Amber Davis/ The Collegian

Women’s rights are at stake this election season. 

TR student Faith Fishburn has always been driven by the desire to see equality worldwide. She is intrigued by politics and hopes to be a journalist in the future. 

The uncovering of Harvey Weinstein and the Me Too Movement inspired her and led to a sparked passion in the fight for women. 

She believes the most important right a woman should have is making decisions regarding her body. 

“For so many years, men have been allowed to make decisions for and on behalf of women and our rights, but we are beyond qualified to choose what we will endure,” Fishburn said. 

With the November election occurring not long after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, Fishburn believes these circumstances should motivate this generation to be proactive. 

In regards to the running candidates, Fishburn is settling, but nonetheless casting a vote for Joe Biden. 

“Biden proposes a fight for equal pay, an increase in benefits for employees in industries/careers, ensure representation in government, and increase access to healthcare,” she said. 

Unsure if Biden used a tactic to appeal to the female demographic, Fishburn points out Biden’s running mate and potential vice president, Kamala Harris, is a woman of color. 

But female representation in government is not where it should be, she said. 

“Intersectionality is extremely important and women of color are underrepresented in law-making and policy discussions,” Fishburn said. 

As for the future of women’s rights, Fishburn hopes for an activist who can continue Ginsburg’s legacy and continue the fight. 

TR student Mary Maturo believes in the right to life, dignity and safety. 

“I believe that women of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexualities and abilities should have the right to live, without others choosing their fate,” she said. “I also believe in the right to have human dignity, and not be subjected to belittlement, discrimination or invalidation.”

Maturo emphasized the importance of safety, especially victims of sex trafficking, rape and child pornography. 

The upcoming generation has to exercise their right and use their voices, Maturo said. 

There are many underrepresented groups in government, including minority groups, persecuted religions, deaf and hard of hearing, blind communities, and those disabled or struggling with mental health, she said. 

“Women who are deaf or disabled face violence, wealth inequality, ostracization and isolation from politics,” she said.

“There wasn’t even a sign language interpreter for the last two debates.” 

Free education for women all over the world is something TR student Alani Carranza deems important. 

“Education should be a priority for every human being, there are women who are deprived from this as if it were a luxury instead of a necessity,” she said. 

Carranza sees importance in changing the narrative with this election after getting four years to examine everything that’s taken place. 

Will Planned Parenthood be taken away? Offering STD testing, birth control, cancer exams, abortion and infertility services, Carranza wonders what will happen if it is demolished. 

In addition, there are worries about the work Ginsburg did to help women get equal pay.

However, it is still a prominent issue in businesses today, she said. 

“I worry about what workplaces will look like for me, a young Latina woman, going into the film industry,” she said. “Will my salary be the same as my male colleague?

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