Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint-COVID-19 wrecked me, wear your mask

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managing editor

I had COVID-19, and trust me, you don’t want it.

I have experienced lots of ill- nesses, but this one hit like no other.

I got COVID-19 from my mom’s workplace, and everyone in my house- hold got it except for my brother. The only reason he did not get the virus was that he completely isolated himself and only left his room to get essentials, while he was wearing a mask.

This just goes to show that masks and social distancing work to protect you from getting the virus.

The worst part of having this virus was the symptoms. I, admittedly, had nowhere near the worst of it but I spent a week not wanting to leave my bed because of how uncomfortable and mentally drained I was.

The effects that this virus had on my respiratory and nervous system

were unparalleled. I had terrible head- aches every day, I was constantly, aggressively coughing to the point where I was in pain, and I could barely breathe.

I also lost my sense of smell and taste, Which, doesn’t seem too bad. But imagine not being able to taste anything you love to eat, not even ice cream.

Besides the symptoms, I con- stantly felt regret for going to my job and possibly spreading the virus, even though I had no control over the time I was notified I had been exposed.

COVID-19 took a huge physi- cal, emotional and mental toll on me, starting before I even tested positive. And yet I have no idea what the long- term implications could be because there is still so much we don’t know about this virus. Please just wear a mask and social distance. The spread of this thing is only getting worse during the holidays. Do everything in your power to prevent yourself from getting this.

Not everyone is going to have it as easy as I did and, some will end up hospitalized. I would rather not hear about students and professors dying because of this virus, so please protect yourself and others.

The only way we are going to beat this pandemic i ening to the

medical experts.

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