By Gary Collins/reporter
TCC students will need to be computer savvy because the financial aid office will go electronic beginning this
“ We are really excited about it.” David Ximenez, district director of financial aid, said. “We also think that the students would prefer an e-mail over paper, and it’s also more reliable.”
The financial aid offices will use e-mail to send missing document requests and other financial aid-related notices to students. To ensure personal identification safety, the financial aid office will not request sensitive information from an applicant. It will always be a general information request.
Ximenez said it is also important that students, if necessary, work with their Internet service provider to update their spam blocker hardware to receive documents from TCC.
Time, cost and convenience are some of the factors contributing to the change.
“ In 12 months we expect to save taxpayers approximately $4,095 in costs for missing document requests,” he said. “And if you add in the other announcements that we plan to use, it’s another $5,000.”
This change will save taxpayer dollars from printing and reduce postage costs as well.
Students also can expect a faster turnaround on documents from the financial aid office, not having to wait on staff to process it, Ximenez said.
Applicants can verify or update the e-mail address TCC has on file at or call 817-515-4AID (4243).
Students without an e-mail address can request one at It is also important that students keep their e-mail addresses current because the financial aid office will use the e-mail address listed in FAFSA applications.
To assist students with financial aid applications, the financial aid offices will have FAFSA Processing Day on all four campuses.
Summer 2007 applicants need to have a copy of the student’s or family’s 2005 income tax return. Fall 2007/spring 2008 applicants will need the 2006 income tax information.
The sessions are scheduled on NW Campus Monday, April 16, in WADM 2405; NE Campus Tuesday, April 17, in NSTU 1504; SE Campus Wednesday, April 18, in ESED 2314, and South Campus Thursday, April 19, SSTU 1103A.
Times for all campuses are 8:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.