By Sara Pintilie/entertainment editor
Candy (4 stars)

One of the lesser known of Heath Ledger’s tragically short filmography is Candy.
The movie itself isn’t the greatest, but Ledger’s performance as the grungy, but sweet Dan is worth the rental price.
The Aussie drug/romance flick follows Dan and Candy (Abbie Cornish) through the stages of their addiction and relationship.
Dan, a bohemian poet with a nasty hunger for heroin, falls head over heals for Candy, the sweet, innocent art student.
She slowly slips into his world of drugs and petty crimes until she has more of an addiction than Dan.
The film becomes a tug of war between their love for each other and their addictions.
Though it gets a little formulaic and repetitive and a tad too long, the chemistry between Cornish and Ledger salvages the movie.
Their movie relationship is believable and sweet, and viewers find themselves hoping the pair can make it work.
Also entertaining but brief moments with Geoffrey Rush bring a lighter side to this film.
Ledger had a subtle charisma he brought to his characters, and Dan is one of best showcases if it.
His death brings a heartbreaking loss of a fantastic actor, but fortunately, we will always have his body of talented work.