By John Garces/sports editor
Alejandro Galaviz and Lacey Youngblood bowled into victory in the annual NE Campus bowling tournament Nov. 2 at Showplace Lanes in Euless.
With 17 participants, the event saw winners awarded in both male and female categories, as well as the individual and team competitions.
The event was a two-game tournament, with the first game being highest score wins.
The second game was a scotch doubles competition.
Galaviz was the winner on the men’s side, as well as the individual winner.
“ I’ve been bowling for 10 years,” he said. “I love the sport. Anytime I get to bowl in a competitive setting, I enjoy it.”
The winner on the women’s side was Youngblood.
Justin Hoyle and Shelly Crogan were the winners of the team event.
Prizes included water bottles and T-shirts.
The majority of the participants were from the 8 a.m. Tuesday-Thursday bowling class taught by Kevin Harper, NE HPE instructor.
“ The bowling tournament has been held for 20 plus years,” Kim Kerby-Dickman, NE HPE instructor, said. “It started out at Hurst Bowl. Then for the last 10 years, it’s been here [at Showplace].”