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Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint – Weinstein has earned wrath of women, world

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By Raegan Scharfetter/managing editor

Harvey Weinstein is many things, but a respectable man he is not.

Angelina Jolie, Cara Delevingne and Gwyneth Paltrow: What do these women all have in common? They all were sexually harassed by the American film producer.

These three are some of the most powerful women in Hollywood today, yet they were all silenced due to the intimidation of one man.

Weinstein’s attempts to lure women into his sinful grip consisted of women being led to a private place to discuss films, scripts or even campaigns. Then he would initiate massages, inappropriate touching, stripping clothes or offering them explicit work-for-sex deals.

To intimidate and target women in the workplace in order to gain sexual pleasure or bragging rights is a moral crime. Women deserve respect. Being wealthy or famous should never give one the right to consent for others.

Weinstein recently said, “The past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

I have no sympathy for you, Mr. Weinstein. Women’s rights will always hold more weight for me than a sex offender’s self-pity after getting caught.

However, Weinstein’s career is presumably gone, and Hollywood still has a problem.

Approximately 20+ women were sexually harassed/assaulted by the same man, and it took over 20 years to reach the surface. Why did these women feel unable to speak their truth?

Italian film actress and director Asia Argento told The New Yorker she did not speak out until now due to fear that Weinstein would “crush” her.

That being said, one should ask why society gives such power to people that use it to their advantage to manipulate and, in this case, rape women attempting to further their career.

Weinstein’s offenses even became a Hollywood open secret. Seth MacFarlane joked during the 2013 Oscar nominees, “Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.” The audience laughed.

Sexual harassment/assault is not a joke. It is real and common. As women, we should not fear to speak the truth and put people like Weinstein where they belong – behind bars.

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