By Janaysha Brown/reporter
NW Campus’ Communication Open House will be held in the NW library 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 30-31.
Students can meet with professors who teach Spanish, speech, humanities, philosophy, communication and English classes.
Academic advisors and transfer center representatives will be available to discuss registration for the spring semester and classes needed to transfer to senior institutions. Students can also participate in a scavenger hunt and grand prize drawings.
Speech communication instructor Carol Hunsberger said this event is a fun way to learn more about the courses offered in the communication department and meet their potential instructors.
“The purpose of the TCC Northwest Campus Communications Open House is for students to meet college instructors in the speech, Spanish, philosophy, mass communication and humanities departments and learn about the courses which are taught in those disciplines,” she said. “In addition, students will have the opportunity to visit with representatives from the transfer center and register for spring classes with an advisor.”
Hunsberger said they have created a fun, interactive way for students to learn about the courses and offer prizes and food.
For more information, contact Hunsberger at or 817-515-7228.