By Steve Knight/editor-in-chief

Fort Worth police officers arrested a TCC board of trustees member on suspicion of shoplifting at a local mall June 25, a police report said.
Board Secretary Robyn Medina Winnett, a member since 1996, was arrested at Fort Worth’s Ridgmar Mall after a Dillard’s department store clerk noticed two empty hangers inside a dressing room after someone tried on several articles of clothing, Fort Worth police said.
The clerk then notified a loss prevention official who followed Winnett, 53, on camera until she exited the store near the children’s department, according to the police report.
Dillard’s officials stopped Winnett outside the store with two ladies skirts found inside a blue Marshalls department store bag, police said.
The suspect told police the items came from Marshalls. The nearest Marshalls store is located at Montgomery Plaza, about seven miles east of Ridgmar Mall.
Winnett, who was in attendance at Thursday’s board of trustrees meeting, would not speak about the incident.
“I can’t comment at this time,” she said. “I wish I could comment, but I can’t.”
Donna Darovich, interim executive assistant to the chancellor, said TCC administrators are aware of the arrest.
“It is the hands of the court system,” she said. “It is not something we have any authority over.”
Clint Bond, Fort Worth ISD spokesman, said Winnett resigned her position as assistant director of the district’s attendance control office last week.
Winnett represents Saginaw, Fort Worth’s North Side, downtown Fort Worth and Fort Worth’s Southside west of I-35W on the TCC board. Her six-year term ends in 2014.
In recent years, she has voiced opposition to the cost of TCC’s original downtown campus.