By Julissa Treviño/south news editor
The Science of Learning (How the Brain Works), a South Campus seminar April 8, will teach students about learning styles and brain processes.
“[The seminar] is more about information of how the brain works and how learning styles came to be than a how-to of studying,” Chris Carcerano, coordinator of the center for academic success, said.
Carcerano will discuss how people process information, so students can adjust their study skills accordingly.
“A lot of students don’t know about study skills, or learning styles,” he said.
Since finals are approaching, he said, students will be better prepared as they learn about their own study skills.
At the end of the seminar, students will be given an E-LASSI assessment, to find out their best-suited learning style.
The Science of Learning (How the Brain Works) will be in SACD 1402, 12:30-1:30 p.m.