By Remy McCool/south news editor
PhilosoPhenomena, an organization created by South Campus student Daniel Jones, explores the ideas surrounding the metaphysical world and the ways to make everyday use of those concepts.
“I think it’s really important to emphasize the key matter is not just to talk about philosophical ideas but how to really implement them into our lives and make these understandings applicable,” he said. “That’s the basis for the group.”
As a branch of philosophy, metaphysics aims to explain the fundamental nature of being.
“Metaphysics, which literally means beyond the physical, really deals with the nature of consciousness,” he said. “People like to use the term spirit or soul. Energy really isn’t limited to or just restricted to the physical part of our world.”
PhilosoPhenomena examines how the understanding of things such as light, sound and vibration can work together to better explain reality.
Jones initiated the student organization last spring because of his own personal interest. As a student, he wanted other students to engage in an alternative perspective.
“As I see it, it is a re-evaluation of what we have been taught and what’s been ingrained in us in early forms of education,” he said.
South student Zachary Blackwell, who has always had an interest in metaphysics, attends meetings regularly. Meetings include all aspects of humanity and metaphysics “while opening your mind to different ideas and different ways to come to different conclusions,” Blackwell said.
Club meetings consist of presentations, lectures and interactive discussions. A topic is proposed and background information is provided to those who may not be familiar with the topic to be discussed. An open “sharing” session can then begin.
“Students can expect to learn a lot from these meetings, and they are explained in a way that all who enter can understand,” Blackwell said.
The group acts as a forum for students and nonstudents who have an interest in concepts that deal with the supernatural, spiritual and paranormal worlds. PhilosoPhenomena also analyzes alternative studies, such as medicines, sciences and history.
“It’s just something we like to use as a reconsidering to all of our schools of thought regarding religion, science, philosophy, psychology and sociology,” Jones said.
Topics covered by the group include astrology, cosmology, afterlife and theology. However, these subjects are only the tip of the iceberg, Jones said.
“It’s really important to understand the interconnectedness of all things, so we kind of look at everything in a unified field and see how it’s connected,” he said. “We are looking at all these different pieces of the puzzle.”
The group has a Facebook page that provides a list of all the areas of study the organization covers.
“I use the websites and the media sources as a hub for the information,” he said. “I’ll post a lot of what we discuss and the areas of study we cover at the meetings for not only those who couldn’t make it but for anyone who is looking to get a more extensive look.”
PhilosoPhenomena meets at 4 p.m. every Monday in the SSTU Texas Room. For more information, contact Jones at