By Thenisha Smith/reporter
After telling administrators what would make NW the campus of choice, students were pleased with the quick response to the suggestions.
Student Kevin Jenson said he had hoped to see several changes from the three visioning sessions held in April.
“ But I wasn’t expecting to receive so much feedback so soon,” he said. “I know the students were asking for a lot, but I’m surprised so many requests can be done so quickly.”
Dr. Elva LeBlanc, NW president, and Dr. Joe Rode, vice-president for student development services, met again with the students in May to answer their concerns and let them know about progress.
“ We wanted to hear what ideas the students had and find out what is important to our students,” LeBlanc said. “We had the staff’s input and, surprisingly, the students’ results were similar.”
The Student Visioning Results Report summarized the 883 suggestions provided by 170 students in nine different categories.
The Bookstore
Longer hours, lower book prices, more books, more staffing and a larger store were the top concerns of the 101 suggestions submitted for the bookstore. One suggestion to increase the hours of operation can be implemented immediately if Follett agrees. Lower book prices, more staffing and more books would require additional resources to implement.
A larger store is not feasible at this time.
The Library
The library received 71 suggestions including more computers, more laptop plugs, more books, longer hours and experienced research paper writers. More laptop plugs can be placed in the library immediately.
Research paper writers, more books, more computers and longer hours require additional resources for implementation. Keeping the library open 24 hours is not feasible at this time.
The Cafeteria
NW students would like healthier food, longer hours, Saturday hours, more variety and better prices for the cafeteria. Healthier food choices, a wider variety of food choices and more hot food have already been added to the menu. Additional resources will be required to increase hours and to open on Saturday.
Students offered 130 suggestions for cafeteria improvements.
Academic Schedule
Suggestions that can be implemented immediately are more computer programming classes, Saturday classes and more afternoon and evening classes. Sunday afternoon classes are the one suggestion that will require additional resources to implement. Students made 80 suggestions for academic scheduling.
Academic Programs
The fifth category, academic programs, received 86 suggestions, and the majority can be implemented immediately. The students’ visions include more classes in political science, philosophy, sociology, social work, lifeguarding and water sports. A bachelor’s degree is the only non-feasible suggestion.
Campus Technology
For the campus technology category, 50 suggestions were given. Implementation of the main suggestions would require additional resources. These suggestions include single student ID card (swipe cards), more computers with updated technology, campuswide Wi-Fi access and updated/accurate clocks.
Student Center
Students had 147 visions for the Student Center. Additional resources are needed to purchase more couches and game room equipment, create larger dining and TV areas, extend gym hours and provide more
Internet stations. Immediately, the Student Center can get an appearance makeover, wireless Internet access and a coffee shop.
Student Services
NW students would like the back road fixed, additional security phones and more tutors, but these projects would require additional resources. The ideas that can be implemented now include more on-campus jobs, better security, more bank choices, change machines, better campus maps and more field trips to companies. The only suggestion that is not feasible is more sports teams.
Campus of Choice
The last category had 78 responses. More parking, the main suggestion, will need additional resources and sports teams and childcare are not feasible at this time.
Tina Redman, a May graduate, said she participated in the visionary sessions so student voices would be heard. Although Redman anticipated some changes, she was most excited about the cafeteria.
“ I won’t be here to see the majority of changes implemented, but all will make a big impact because they are for the betterment of the campus,” she said.
“ I came away from this experience with the knowledge that the faculty and staff care about the students’ experience on the campus.”
Jenson participated in the sessions for several reasons.
“ It seemed like an interesting idea,” he said. “I had the time, and it was neat administration was interested in what students’ wanted.”
Jenson said he was most excited about the increase in computer and philosophy classes.
“ I know there has to be a give-and-take,” he said. “For example, I understand I may have to pay more for healthier food choices.”
LeBlanc plans to stay abreast of all implementations.
“ We were very happy to meet with the students and will keep them updated on all changes,” she said.
But some of the students believed they were already winners.
Jenson said. “NW is already a great campus; the visioning report can only make it better.”