By John Garces/reporter

Although the numbers were down, last week’s NE Campus table tennis tournament was deemed a success by HPE staff.
A total of 14 students participated, down from previous years.
“ Quantity is down, but quality is up,” Kevin Harper, HPE instructor said.
The tourney, held in the gym Sept. 21, operated under double elimination rules, with each game to 15 points. NE student Robert Torres won in a final that was played to 21.
One of the participants, NE student Corey Ferstl, said he got interested in the sport because of a relative.
“ I have an identical twin brother, and we used to go to a friend’s house,” he said. “It would get pretty competitive.”
Prizes were awarded to all participants, including NE student Louis Garcia, who got into ping-pong in a unique way.
“ I’m a youth intern at church, and we play a lot of ping-pong,” he said.
Showing off his armload of prizes, Garcia said, “I won a lot of stuff I can use at my office.”
Torres, the winner, said, he has been playing ping-pong for two years.