Celebrating democracy, class-bound SE students stopped at a 15-foot table between classes Sept 23-24 to register to vote in the upcoming Nov. 4 election.
The table was manned by deputy volunteer registers who had students fill out a one-sided form to become registered voters. They received a slip of paper as proof of registration, an official receipt the voter can use on Election Day if the official voter registration card does not arrive by mail on time.

The drive led to 183 new registrations the first day and 70 halfway through the second.
“It’s important for young people to vote,” volunteer Shirley Adams said. “It is a constitutional right, the 15th Amendment. We decide who our leaders are. The administrators and staff are supporting the effort.”
Students interested in voting in the Nov. 4 election can find help online.
NE student Lily Ybarra hasn’t had the chance to register yet, but she plans to soon.
“I’m pretty interested in this year’s election. I think what Wendy Davis is doing is so cool,” she said. “It’d be cool to see a different side of Texas.”
Another NE student Tres Ford has already registered.
“It’s not really important,” Ford said. “I’m doing it because my sister’s doing it.”
“Information at www.tarrantcounty.com/evote/site/default.asp is a good place for a sample ballot and where a voter needs to go to vote on Election Day,” volunteer Paula Boehme said.
Early voting will take place on NE, NW, South and SE Campuses Oct. 28-30.
— Keith Sloan and Jamil Oakford