By — Lauren Gordon
Landmarks on Social Memory, an annual travel course, is an extended spring class that enables students to travel to the nation’s capital.

Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT
The seven-day/six-night trip will take place May 22-28 in Washington, D.C.
The course will examine historical landscapes and the way societies construct their histories. NW history and government professor Laura Wood said she wants students “to question everything and think critically.”
Societies build memorials of events they want to be remembered, whether these are wholly accurate or not. Wood said she wants students to ask “Who is represented and who is not?”
Wood and NW sociology associate professor Jason Clark-Miller will teach HIST 1302-30781 and SOCI 1301-30248. Participants have the option of taking the courses for credit, either for three or six hours depending on classes selected, or as a noncredit course through Community & Industry Education Services. Most classwork will be completed online prior to the trip.
Three meetings are required before the trip. Upon return, participants will present a group visual project and journals from the trip during another meeting. All required meetings are on NW Campus.
The cost for the trip is $950 (not including tuition or food). Students must pay a $250 deposit before they can register for the course(s). Up to 35 students can enroll until Jan. 12 as long as spaces are available.
For more details, e-mail
An informational video is available for viewing at