By Sara Pintilie/entertainment editor
U2 3D (4 stars)

U2 3D is the next generation for concert films.
3-D technology makes the U2 concerts pop and is a fun treat for music fans.
U2 3D is the next best thing to being there—to some, the film might be better.
Instead of being jam-packed with hundreds of sweaty people, the viewer gets to sit and enjoy in A.C.
And instead of paying an arm and a leg for a ticket, the viewer pays a couple bucks more than a regular movie ticket.
Not to mention the nerdy cool Buddy Holly 3-D glasses.
This concert ventures into exhilarating territory. The audience can see the dripping brow of Bono as he croons.
They can see the immense depth of the various venues. The glow of cell phones and lighters is hypnotic.
The audience finds themselves tapping along and singing the lyrics under their breath. When “Sunday Bloody Sunday” came on, a unified muttering drifted through the theater.
The set-list is fantastic.
The film utilizes the technology perfectly and the directors, Catherine Owens and Mark Pellington, use fantastic restraint with their newfangled toys.
Instead of displaying gimmicks usually found in 3-D films, they produce a glossy, interesting concert film.
U2 3D is a great 3-D ride.