Viewpoint by Sharon Murra-Kapon/reporter
Many cope-with-stress seminars advise to laugh more often and to find the funny side of life to release stresses that weigh so many people down.
Laughter is a great medicine with both short- and long-term effects. It lightens up the tension in the mind and muscles—all the organs feel it immediately.
It enhances the intake of oxygen-rich air stimulating the heart and lungs, releases endorphins (substance in the brain that kills pain naturally) and also stimulates circulation and eases digestion. A good laugh is always a good pick-me-up remedy.
But what I have realized is that people who hold much anger, resentment, bitterness, envy or jealousy can’t laugh that often. I have noticed that for some people, laughing is not part of their lifestyle.
“Fake it till you make it” seems to work in some instances, to a certain point and in some circumstances. But when time comes to face hard and painful moments, the laughter sermon seems unreal and unattainable.
Going to the root of the problem is a good way to start a real de-stressing. Addressing those negative emotions that are building up inside without anyone knowing, straightening them out and moving on, will open doors for the laughter benefits and more.
Emotions are like different colored sunglasses. If you put fear sunglasses on, then you’ll see all life matters with fear as the dominant color. It works the same with hate, love, selfishness, gratitude, etc.
Learning to let go of negative emotion buildup is also part of staying healthy. It also hinders the opportunity for stress to get hold of our mind and body (Canadian Health Network).
Stress activates the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. Your body is in constant alert. There are no digestion signals—no time to relax at all, even if you are sitting down staring at the wall.
When there is emotional stress buildup, in addition to school, work, relationship, physical stresses, the body and mind are basically responding as if you were in danger, chased by a hungry lion and running for your life.
Emotions, stress and laughter are all good factors necessary to life. But that unresolved emotion buildup leads to negative feelings that hinder the benefits of laughter. Treat the problem at the root instead of putting it off until it explodes.