By Taylor Jensen/nw news editor
An event designed to help students learn skills needed to make their dreams come true will be Nov. 26 on NW Campus.
Dream Questiny is a groundbreaking workshop to help empower attendees to foster their dreams and create their destiny, said dance and humanities associate professor Kim Jackson, who will open the event.
“I know in my experiences as an educator that you can’t help a student much if they don’t have dreams and aspirations of their own,” she said. “However, we take it for granted that people know what to dream and, better yet, that they know how to achieve those dreams.”
Jackson said she was proof one didn’t need to know what to do to succeed.
“You simply need to allow passion to pull you into action,” she said.
Jackson said her presentation, Making Nice with the Voice Within, will challenge students to consider that they already have everything they need for success.
“There is a you that you have been hiding from the world because you have been unwilling and/or unable to live a fully self-expressed life,” she said. “Instead of listening to the voice within, you have been listening to the voice on your shoulder or outside of yourself.”
NW speech instructor and conference creator Carol Hunsberger said people discover who they are by achieving their dreams.
“The motivation behind the event is to help those in attendance discover the importance of defining their individual dreams and developing a plan to pursue them,” she said. “Those who are the happiest find they are becoming the person they were designed to become.”
Jackson said the event will tend to all aspects of what makes people human. She wants to help people embrace things they cannot change and, instead, harness them to help improve lives.
“The session is designed to formally introduce yourself to you — the person who has been waiting for permission to breathe, live and love,” she said. “Learn to live a life where you have the experience of being heard and refine the power that is your voice by first acknowledging that you have one.”
Dream Questiny will be 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in WSTU 1303/1305. A cultural lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Hunsberger at 817-515-7228 or