Getting a free checkup including blood pressure, vision, cholesterol, HIV, blood sugar and bone density is not easy.
But students can do it at NW Campus’ annual Health Fair 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 20 in WSTU 1303/5. Various medical and health organizations will offer free information and testing to students and the public.
Students also can give blood if they have a photo ID and can register to be a bone marrow donor.
A representative from JPS Health Network will have a booth.
“They will be giving out information on how to access their system because they take people without insurance,” said Linda Freeman, NW Campus nurse.
JPS has programs that help make checkups, doctor visits and prescriptions affordable for those without the aid of insurance, Freeman said.
TCC’s fire training center, MedStar and CareFlite will also have a fire truck, an ambulance and a helicopter open for students to tour and ask questions.
“We want students to know that CareFlite isn’t there to pick someone up but to answer questions and give tours,” Freeman said.
In addition to tours of the ambulance, MedStar will teach chest compression, the most important part of CPR.
“They found chest compression does more good than taking the time out for breathing,” Freeman said.
She said just chest compression is now taught in Europe with better survival rates.
In addition, several TCC departments, including physical and health education, criminal justice and health services, will have information booths.
— Bethany Peterson