Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to Daniella Solis’s editorial, “TCC Experience Wasted for Student.” As an instructor, this editorial struck a chord with me. I applaud her desire to yearn for and willingly accept challenges. She wants to earn her degree and walk away from an institute of higher learning filled with knowledge and enriching academic experiences. Isn’t this a goal every college student should strive towards?

The timing of this editorial is quite interesting. I am in the midst of the end of the semester and sifting through e-mails from students asking for extra credit or the ability to make up previous assignments in order to pass my course or have the grade they desire. If you analyze this scenario carefully, it appears the grade is more important to the student than the knowledge. When did this mindset perpetrate among students?

Our society understands the importance of a college education in order to have access to greater opportunities. However, in order for a college education to be meaningful, students must be willing to attain new knowledge and be willing to think, explore, question and continually grow. College simply cannot become something you cross off of the proverbial “To Do” list.

Laurie McAdams

Education Instructor, South Campus

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