Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

TCC police present racial profiling study

By Jamil Oakford/editor-in-chief

TCC’s police department reported no complaints of racial profiling April 16 to the board of trustees.

Assistant police chief Leigh Dietrich said TCC is in compliance with state law and found no systemic racial profiling. The department also hasn’t received any racial profiling complaints from students, faculty or staff.

Dietrich also explained that TCC police use both body and mobile cameras, a practice that is in its first six months.

“I believe we’re well ahead of the curve for a police department,” she said.

When board member Conrad Heede asked about department plans for the campus carry bill that’s working through the Texas Legistlature, Angela Robinson, vice chancellor for administration and general counsel, said they’re still working on a plan.

“That law has passed in most states,” Robinson said. “So we’re studying the other states, what they’re policies are.”

District 1 board candidates Teresa Marie Ayala and Josh Barber also addressed the board. Both spoke to their backgrounds with educators in their family and touched on the importance of TCC’s role in the community.

Since Heede of District 2 and board member Kristin Vandergriff of District 3 ran unopposed, the board considered them re-elected.

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