By Ryon Boswell
Toro’s Boot Camp challenged SE students’ endurance April 22 in the SE gym.
Brendon Green-Daring came in first place among men, and Anthony Emmanuel came in second. For women, Taylor Smith won first place, and Michelle Ajamma was second.
The boot camp featured an obstacle course made up of four activities.
The first activity had contestants carry a medicine ball over their heads while running the length of the basketball court. Next, contestants had to navigate a rope ladder while shuffling on their hands in pushup position. Immediately upon reaching the end of the ladder, they had to carry a weight around cones placed in a zig-zag pattern.
Then, students carried a sandbag over a suspended board and around another cone. The last leg of the obstacle course consisted of navigating a set of hurdles and circling one more cone before returning to the starting area and shooting a ball into a basket.
The last two obstacles proved to be the most difficult.
“The sandbag, it’s really heavy,” student Anthony Emmanuel said.