Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint – Cowboys fans deserve better season than last

By Jamil oakford/ editor-in-chief

Dear Cowboys:

Growing up a New York Giants fan, I can’t believe I’m even daring to utter these words, but please have a good season.

While living in Cowboy country, it’s easy to point out that when the team is winning and the season is good, so are its fans. There’s a pep in fans’ steps, a certain glow about them and the best part: They’ve got enough good vibes to go around.

But when the seasons are dark, dreary, devoid of hope with rougher games still ahead, there’s an obvious drop in morale.

Cowboys fans, like most sports fans, fall into two categories in the middle of a bad season. There are the fans that don’t want to hear any mention of the team nor any player’s name uttered for a couple of days. And then, there are the whiners. And oh, how they whine.

And since, I always have a mean case of Mondays anyway after a weekend, coming in to endure my sluggishness with everyone’s Cowboys funk on the side is less than appealing.

No, I don’t want to hear about why Tony Romo threw three interceptions and blew a substantial lead. No, I don’t really care that Dez Bryant ran for so many yards and by the numbers, the team should’ve won the game. The point is: They didn’t.

So, Dallas Cowboys players, let’s make this season one to keep the Cowboys fans happy and proud. After an abysmal season in 2015, Cowboys fans deserve some reprieve.

And yes, I know, Giants fans don’t have much room to judge. We only finished third place in the NFC East last year just because we didn’t have as bad as season as the Cowboys, but that’s nothing to brag about. We had our starting quarterback and still stunk.

With the new season rapidly approaching, fans are buzzing with all the possibilities new players and a season can bring.

So, for the love of God, Dallas Cowboys: DON’T. BLOW. IT.

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