Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

SGA hopes to better student campus life

By Katelyn Needham/ editor-in-chief

The Student Government Association has chapters on all five campuses and gives the student population of nearly 50,000 a voice at administration meetings. 

“Our job on paper is to govern all the clubs and student organizations on campus,” SE SGA president J.J. Ermonsele said. “In reality, we are an extension of the president. We act as a barometer. If things aren’t going well on campus, we go to him and tell him what we feel needs to be done to make the students happy.”

Each campus holds elections for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, historian and student senate. However, every campus has a different organizational system for the positions.

“We also have the student senate,” Ermonsele said. “It’s comprised of the different clubs and organizations as well as other students. Anyone can join. It’s a fantastic way to let your voice be heard.”

The elections for the officer positions vary based on campus but will take place in the spring semester. The different campus chapters also hold monthly meetings together as a way to connect all five campuses and work together to get student voices heard.

“Our main focus has been on health, sexual harassment and hazing,” he said. “While we didn’t do it alone, you will see the Drug, Alcohol, Sexual Harassment, (DASH) awareness that’s happening on campus. Right now, I would like to quell some of the tension and anxiety that came with the recent political change. I want to strengthen student bonds and what it means to be a TCC student.”

Each campus has different projects the SGA works on to improve campus life. SE has taken the initiative to work on the DASH program, NE is developing scholarships and TR has the Focus on Finals program that works to give students a quiet study space while handing out free Scantrons and snacks.

“The vice president and I are developing a scholarship for students who are involved in the community,” NE SGA president Cristian Villegas said. “This one doesn’t require an outstanding GPA, and you can apply or be referred. We are also working on having a congresswoman visit campus.”

Applications for the scholarship are available in the NE library and student activities. It will be awarded to three students.

“Student government gives the student body a way to both get information and get information across,” Villegas said. “We connect them with the rest of the campus and give them an outlet to be heard.”

Student activities provides information about how to get involved with SGA and contact current members.

“I have heard about the student government, but I don’t know much about it,” SE student Melanie Melisio said. “Maybe starting an Instagram page or using social media to take polls would put them out there more. I’m all for anything they can do to make student life better and easier. But personally, I hate the new printing, I think the parking lot needs cameras because people don’t know how to drive and another food option besides Subway would be nice.”

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