Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Intense student schedules affect healthy eating habits

TR’s Riverfront Cafe offers a wide variety of food selections to help students maintain healthy eating habits while studying and attending classes on campus. Photo by Lana Shuck/The Collegian

By Andrew Forbes/reporter

As the school year begins, students generally have good intentions, but as their full-time studies get underway, their health plans suffer.

While incoming students are trying to navigate the college environment, returning students understand how college life affects personal routines.

NE student Alex Sandoval believes he eats healthier when his coursework is not as intensive.

“With me having more time to myself, I have time to cook something in my house,” he said. “This past weekend, I didn’t have any projects to work on, so I had the time to prepare food for the week.”

Sandoval believes his workouts and exercise routines are not as good as they could be because he lacks energy after spending most of his day on campus.

“I believe it is a lack of both energy and time,” he said. “I have to balance work and school. And school seems to take up the most time, especially when my classes start getting more intensive and I have more projects to do.”

TR student Emily Torbert said she has little time to exercise during a semester.

“I don’t have time to work out because working out isn’t my top priority,” she said. “I usually spend my free time catching up on sleep when I’m not working or devoting time to school.”

South student Valerie Chulin tends to settle for unhealthier food choices when she does not have time to prepare her own food.

“It is harder to find healthier choices, especially when on the go and being on a budget since healthier food places are usually expensive,” she said. “However, if I have the money and I see a healthier choice, I usually try to get it.”

For Chulin, staying busy during the semester keeps her from eating less junk food than she does during the holidays or summer break.

“During the semester, I don’t have nearly as much time to eat in general, which helps me balance my eating,” she said. “I recommend other students who have the same problem as me to load up on credits, and they will likely get the same result out of it.”

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