Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Adjunct loses job at college

NE adjunct Daniel Mashburn no longer works at TCC. Photo by Lacey Phillips/The Colleigan

By Jamil Oakford/managing editor

A suspended TCC adjunct instructor, whose bizarre classroom behavior prompted some students to call the police in January, is no longer an employee, according to a vice chancellor.

NE astronomy instructor Daniel Mashburn was suspended shortly after his Solar System class met for the first time Jan. 16, according to TCC’s communications and external affairs vice chancellor Reginald Gates.

Students reported he showed up late to class, wearing a scarf and hat over his entire face. Mashburn failed to identify himself as the instructor, turned off the lights in the classroom and began to read from a textbook.

As he fidgeted with his pockets and quoted from the Quran, some students left and called police. After meeting with police, Mashburn chose to resume the class with two students who wanted to stay. But the college opened an investigation, suspended him, and now he no longer works for the college, Gates said April 4.

Mashburn did not return phone calls requesting an interview.

Meanwhile, the astronomy class has returned to normal.

“It doesn’t surprise me,” said NE student Alexander, who didn’t give his last name. “That’s exactly what I expected to happen. He was hired to teach us, and he didn’t do that.”

NE student Adrian Vasquez, one of the two students who stayed for the entire class period despite the police telling Mashburn he couldn’t re-enter the classroom, said he also expected that outcome.

“I think it’s safe for the other students,” he said. “TCC did a good job. They’ve done their part.”

Compared to the first class, both students said the semester has leveled out and it’s something neither of them dwell on.

“It just feels like another semester,” Alexander said.

Vasquez said there was a discussion in class four or five weeks into the semester about how late they started the curriculum.

“It’s funny, he was like, ‘Yeah, we started late.’ We started, like, a couple days late,” he said. “I was like, ‘No, we started on time.’ And students were like ‘You know what happened the first week?’”

Vasquez said he forgot about the incident.

“Mr. [Ray] Benge [the new teacher] laughed and was like, ‘Yeah, we want you to forget about it,’” he said.

For both students, the class has turned out to be fun and enjoyable.

Both students are happy the semester turned out to be like any other, and have had an enjoyable experience despite the bizarre beginning.

“It’s been a complete 900-degree turn,” Vasquez said.

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