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The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Viewpoint-Dumping Trump will save America

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Malik Giles
managing editor

“Make America Great Again” is a slogan that needs to die.
America was never “great” to begin with. Not with a history of pain and oppression of its own citizens. Just turn on the TV and turn to a news station. Does America look great today with the pandemic and police brutality infecting the country?
I believe Joe Biden is not only better suited than his adversary for the presidency, but will fix the current problems that America is enduring.
First, Trump does not care about the people. How could not only the president, but a man not care about people — he constantly lies to them. Trump lied to the people about knowing the true dangers of COVID-19.
He knew that it would kill many but downplayed it because he didn’t want to cause panic.
Well, great work, Mr. President because people are panicking now.
If Biden becomes president, he will not keep something this important and dangerous from the people.
I believe Biden when he says he wouldn’t keep something like COVID-19 a secret. Trump doesn’t take responsibility about the tragedies that were caused by COVID-19.
Biden can relate to the loss of families affected by the virus because he lost his own son to sickness.
Biden’s plan is to restore ObamaCare to its fullest and make sure everyone has health care. People who are voting against him see this as a problem because the Affordable Care Act forces people to have health insurance.
It’s understandable that some people probably cannot afford this, but people are already forced to have car insurance, which is also a little dumb because wouldn’t someone need health insurance before car insurance?

Finally, Donald Trump has tendencies that could label him a racist.

While Trump’s administration separated immigrant families and put kids in cages, Obama’s created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA that helps prevent deportation if one was brought into this country as a child. Trump wants to get rid of DACA but Biden wants to keep it.
Trump also does not see anything wrong with police brutality and disdains the Black Lives Matter protesting as shown when he tried to protect Kyle Rittenhouse, the armed 17-year-old self-declared militia member who shot and killed two protesters.[a][b] Though Biden does not want to entirely defund the police, he plans to reform and create more community programs to lessen the need for the police.
These are just a few key points on why Trump is not suited for presidency. He has no plans to “Make America Great Again” or to change it from its current status. He does not take responsibility for the virus or the police brutality that continues to plague our country. If there is to be change in the U.S., we need to vote him out.


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