Assisting students to find opportunities to help them with classes, SE career and employment services will hold a Service Learning Agency Fair for the students and community 9 a.m.-noon Feb. 17 and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 18 in the Main Commons.
“This fair is for students to talk to agencies face-to-face to find out what kind of service learning opportunities each agency has, what hours they are open and if it fits their personality and the class objective,” said Gina Maloy, assistant coordinator of SE career and employment services.
Service learning fairs are meant to broaden students’ knowledge of their community, help them network with members in their community and raise awareness of issuesgoing on in their community, Maloy said.
“These kind of fairs allow students the convenience of speaking with agencies one-on-one, and it helps agencies gain necessary volunteers,” she said.
Some of the agencies involved in this fair include the Arlington Public Library, Battered Women’s Foundation, the Boys and Girls Club and JPS Health Network along with several other agencies.
“I think it is a great investment in the quality of education a student receives at the SE Campus,” Maloy said. “The more a student is connected and learning, the more they are likely to stay in school and finish their education.”
The agencies will set up booths in Main Commons for the students passing through. For more information, call career and employment services at 817-515-3592.
— Rema Atiya