Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Texas Heartbeat Act

photo courtesy Gayatri Malhotra/Unsplash

Nicole Besta

Since the Texas Heartbeat Act was blocked on Oct. 6, then appealed on Oct. 8, the fate of abortion in Texas has been changing rapidly. Though the abortion ban has garnered national attention, some TCC students weren’t aware of the changes. 

NE student Colin Calvin said he was  unconcerned with government happenings, especially current abortion issues. 

“I didn’t even know there was a ban,” Calvin said. 

Once he informed himself on the details of the Heartbeat Act, Calvin said he felt  the national government should stay out of the issue. Since the federal government has unsuccessfully tried to intervene several times, Calvin said it should just be left up to the states. 

“If this is like, the second or third time the [federal] government tried to step in, like they’ve already done it before, just let it go,” he said.

Another NE student, Seth Cook, was in a similar position. He said he had having only been vaguely aware that there was a ban in place from conversations at home. He was interested in how the ban was able to come to pass in the first place.

“So, I’m not really too sure on how state and national laws work together,” Cook said. “With that being said, I think the difference existing at all is stupendous. I don’t necessarily think the national has to take things over completely, but the math needs to be checked by somebody. Multiple somebodies.” 

Cook also said he felt the ban itself was quite pointless, as outlawing abortion would only end up making things more difficult, and that people would end up taking different steps to achieve an abortion if they really wanted one.

NE student Cameron Admire, on the other hand, said he was informed on the Heartbeat Act, although not completely up to date on the happenings. He said abortion should be a right for all people.

“When you get people like Abbott who try to force responsibility down on people, it honestly just makes me mad,” Admire said. “Especially over something as ridiculous as religious beliefs.”

Admire said he was critical of the ban, that it didn’t help anyone and only hindered those who actually needed one. 

“It’s going to drive many people to other states or other means if they can’t get one in the state they live in,” he said. “I do think there needs to be some regulation, but for the country as a whole, not state by state.” 

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