Serving the Tarrant County College District

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Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Serving the Tarrant County College District

The Collegian

Study abroad touted

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By Juan Ibarra/reporter

Alumni offer advice, debunk myths, fears

The idea of studying abroad stirs fear in some, while for others it seems out of the realm of possibilities, however, three university graduates will strive alleviate such fears and concerns students may have.

Nov. 15 is Global Citizenship Awareness Day, and to celebrate the NW government department will show students how they can make studying abroad a reality and why they should, said NW philosophy and religion professor Tony Roberts. 

“This event is made to help students see how easy it is to study abroad,” Roberts said. 

Set for 9:30 a.m., in WSTU 1305, students will learn what it’s like to study overseas and to be “the other” via face-to-face discussion with three university graduates who will share their stories and talk to students about their journeys. 

The panel will consist of students who studied in Greece, South Korea, Australia, Italy and India during their junior and senior years and audience members can to ask questions they have about traveling abroad, Roberts said. 

“The goal is to show students who don’t think they don’t need to go abroad or that they can’t afford the price, how affordable and beneficial it can be for them,” Roberts said.  

Along with the discussion, there will be different representatives from TCC’s transfer schools available to speak with students interested in studying abroad, he said.

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